Impact of climate change on agricultural livelihoods of women
Climate change has been a threat to livelihoods. Women have been disproportionately burdened by the vagaries of climate. Women's vulnerability to climate change is attributed to many factors- social, economic, and cultural. The aim of this panel discussion is to understand the intricacies of how climate change affects vary unevenly among gender and to look for solutions to foster gender parity and improve outcomes for women in the world of work.

The aim of the forum was to discuss the impact of climate change on the agricultural livelihoods of women. The forum threw light on the deep disparities between the work women have access to relative to men and the significant gender gap prevailing amongst agricultural casual workers.
Sabina Dewan (JustJobs Network)
Jaskiran Warrik (World Economic Forum)
Zulfiquar Haider (Azim Premji Foundation)
Neeraja Kudrimoti (Aspirational Districts Program, in collaboration with Government of Chattisgarh)